Cinderella Man

Director: Yoo Jung-joon
Release date: 2009
Language: Korean
Subtitle: English (Hard-subbed)
Episodes: 16
Genre: Drama, Romance

Kwon Sang Woo as Oh Dae San / Lee Joon Hee
Im Yoon Ah as Seo Yeo Jin
Han Eun Jung as Jang Se Eun
Song Chang Ui as Lee Jae Min

A story of a rich man (Lee Joon Hee) who switches lives with a man who looks identical to him only the difference between them is the other man is poor (Oh Dae San). Seo Yeo Jin is a girl who studies at fashion design school in Paris but returns to Korea after her life is turned upside down when her father dies.
(Credit: Dramawiki)


Related Links:
Trailer: justANYOTHERazn
Online Streaming: MySoju
Ost: MU
Credit: Littledraci@asianosts
Download Links:
Ep 01 | Ep 02 | Ep 03 | Ep 04 | Ep 05 | Ep 06: 01-02-03 | Ep 07 | Ep 08 | Ep 09 | Ep 10 | Ep 11 | Ep 12 | Ep 13 | Ep 14 | Ep 15 | Ep 16
Credit: Soshi-subs

Anime | Chinese | Japanese | Korean | Manga | Taiwanese | Thai | Others


7 Responses to “Cinderella Man”
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Can you please re-upload Episode6 with the same avi format as the other episodes...Thanks

I'm sorry but I only have the episode in .mkv format. Are you having trouble watching it?

I normally convert avi files to dvd and watch it on my TV. I can convert mkv files to dvd if it is just one mkv file, because when I tried to join them using MeGUI program, an error popped out which I don't have any idea how to is okay if it is only one mkv file and not three...if you can't jojn them together as one mkv file then it is okay, I'll just prbably watch episode 6 on my laptop...thanks for your reply

Ramon, try to join the files with hjsplit. You can find it easily on the net and it's free. If you still can't join the files into just one file I'll do that and post the full episode instead of 3 parts. Let me know if it worked, ok? ^^

I can't use hjsplit to join mkv files (I think the program is only used to join .avi files). I would appreciate it if you could just post episode 6 in one mkv file...thanks again for your time in replying to my queries

Sorry...You're right I can use hjsplit in joining mkv files...thanks anyway

I'm glad I could help. If there's anything else I can do just ask. And if you still have trouble joining the parts I'll join them myself and post ep 6 as a whole file ^^

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